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We are collecting essential items for our clients, plus items we need to make it all happen!
We are collecting:

9-quart coolers

Various types of bags 

Snacks: applesauce cups & fruit cups, protein bars, nuts

Office supplies

Kitchen supplies

You can find ideas here for client items at our Amazon Wish List. We're also collecting some office and kitchen supplies.

Please mail items to Longmont Meals on Wheels or drop off items at our secure dropbox on the west side of the Longmont Sr. Center. Thank you!

Food Items for Clients, the Kitchen & Office

King Soopers

It's so simple to have King Soopers donate to Longmont Meals on Wheels on your behalf. All you have to do is link your loyalty card.


Click here, search for Longmont Meals on Wheels, and click "enroll."



When you shop, make sure you use your loyalty card or Alt ID!

Host Your Own Fundraiser 

Want to host an event or sell a product to support Longmont Meals on Wheels?

We can help!
Volunteer fundraisers have run races, sold honey, hosted concerts and requested donations in lieu of gifts, to name a few! Let us know your plans, and we would love to support you. We can give you a rapid donate platform so your friends or customers can donate fast with Paypal, Venmo or their favorite digital payment service. We can also share your plans if you would like!


Please email Katie if you want our help!

product fundraiser sell something and raise money for charity
race fundraising
Couple gets married and requests donations.

Colorado Gives Day for Longmont Meals on Wheels

Give Where you Live

From November 1 through December 10, every donation you make will be boosted with a $1M+ Incentive Fund. Each nonprofit will receive a share of the fund based on their percentage of the total raised. Plus, if you set up a new monthly donation, Colorado Gives Foundation will match your first monthly donation up to $100! This is a fantastic opportunity to double your impact and support our efforts to support older adults and people with disabilities in their homes.


Click here to get started.


Christmas Lights

Check out the best Christmas Lights Display!

Visit Chuck Rodgers's drive-through Christmas lights display at 5980 N. 79th Street in Longmont. Show your appreciation of his gorgeous endeavour by donating to Longmont Meals on Wheels. Donations will be matched this year. Help support your homebound older neighbors with a hot, ready-to-eat meal and a wellness check! Click here to donate.


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Longmont Meals on Wheels


Mon - Fri: 8am - 1pm


910 Longs Peak Avenue

Longmont, CO 80501


Longmont Meals on Wheels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 84-0590979

Longmont Meals on Wheels, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender identity or expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status in any of its activities or operations.

©2020 by Longmont Meals on Wheels. 

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