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Frequently Asked Questions

Whom do you serve?

Home Delivery: We serve older people, people with disabilities and people returning from a hospital stay of all income levels who struggle to make hot, healthy meals. 

Lunch Break: People over the age of 55 and their guests.


Longmont Meals on Wheels, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender identity or expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status in any of its activities or operations.


How do I get started?

Home Delivery: Just call us or fill out the online enrollment form! We will chat with you over the phone and ask you some questions about yourself and your emergency contacts. If you are a good fit to receive meals, meal delivery can usually begin the next delivery day. If you are under 60, we may ask you to provide a doctor's note before you can begin.


Lunch Break: If you are 55 or older, just show up at lunchtime! Come to the window, sign in and pay.

Where can I receive your meals?

There are two options for receiving meals…
Home Delivery: In your own home. If you live in Longmont or Niwot, struggle to prepare a meal for yourself and can't leave your home regularly, a trained, background-checked Meals on Wheels volunteer can deliver meals to you. Please note that is it important that clients are home when meals are delivered. If you plan to be away during delivery time for any reason, please notify the Longmont Meals on Wheels office by 8am. If you want us to leave a meal for you while you aren't home, you must leave out a cooler with an ice pack. Unexpected emergencies are inevitable, but chronic absenteeism could be cause for suspension of services.

Lunch Break: Join us for lunch at the Parkview Cafe at the Longmont Senior Center.


What is the timing for meals? 

Home Delivery: Meals are delivered each weekday between 11:00am and 12:30pm.

Lunch Break: Meals are served each weekday between 11:30am to noon. You are welcome to come early or stay later to chat with other diners.


How much do your meals cost?

Home Delivery: Home-delivered meals are charged on a sliding scale up to $6, depending on your monthly income. If you are just returning from a hospital or rehab stay, your first five meals are free! If you qualify, you can continue receiving meals under our regular sliding scale.

Lunch Break: Through 2024, one meal per patron 55+ is free on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Meals Thursdays-Fridays are $2 for people over 55. The meal is $6 for guests under 55.


What are your meals like?

Our meals are planned, prepared and packaged in a commercial kitchen, led by a professional chef. Meals are healthy and meet all nutritional guidelines. Meals come in a paperboard container that can be warmed in the microwave or heated on a cookie sheet in a 350-degree oven. As a professional kitchen, food is prepared under strict food safety guidelines to minimize the risk of contamination. Each meal includes a main course, hot sides and a snack bag. The entrée and hot sides contain less than 1,200 mg of sodium and less than 60mg of carbohydrates, unless otherwise noted. The snack bags are not included in those amounts and we do not count the carbohydrates or sodium for those items. We can also support a variety of special-diet needs. Menus are published monthly. Look for them here or at the Parkview Cafe.

Why do you ask for an emergency contact?

When applying for meals you will be asked to provide the office with two emergency contacts and if you have someone who has your key. This information is used if we come to deliver and you do not answer the door or you have not arranged for alternate meal delivery.


What is a wellness check?

We are more than a meal. Our volunteers are trained to report any concerns to the office. When our volunteers come to deliver they will ring the bell or knock loudly. If they do not get an answer, they will try the door to see if it is unlocked. If it is, they will peak in and announce “Longmont Meals on Wheels.” If there is still no answer they will only leave the meal if there is a safe place to leave it, and then they will call the office to let us know that they have not seen you. The office will then try to call you first, then the hospital to see if you have been admitted and then your emergency contacts. If we are unsuccessful at reaching you or an emergency contact, an employee will go to your home to see if we can contact you. If we still have no success, police are called to help do a wellness check. If signs lead to a possibility that you could be inside and injured or ill, the police will enter your home. Volunteers are NOT allowed to pick anyone up nor assist them with any type of medical concerns.


If the volunteer arrives and there is a reason to call 911, they will do so and then call the office, who will notify one of your emergency contacts.  We will ONLY share your personal contact information with emergency personnel if they need to assist you.


To avoid any concerns, please make sure that your client information is current, we have correct emergency contact information and we have the name of your key holder.  Please put out a cooler with ice if you are planning on not being home for your delivery or call and cancel your meal for the day.


If your emergency contacts do not have a key to your home, please sign up for our free Lockbox Program so that the fire department can place a lockbox with a key somewhere on your property and secure the code in their system. Emergency services cannot enter your home without significant signs that you are injured or ill.

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Longmont Meals on Wheels


Mon - Fri: 8am - 1pm


910 Longs Peak Avenue

Longmont, CO 80501


Longmont Meals on Wheels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 84-0590979

Longmont Meals on Wheels, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender identity or expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status in any of its activities or operations.

©2020 by Longmont Meals on Wheels. 

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